
Saint Thomas Choir School takes seriously its commitment to protecting the safety and well-being of every student. We look to engage our students in developmentally appropriate discussions about sound decision-making and wellness. These discussions include helping students establish healthy relationships and boundaries, creating an environment of safety and respect for all community members, and offering ways for students to get help and support when they need it.

If you want to reach out about safeguarding at Saint Thomas, please contact the Head of School, Christopher Seeley, at or the Rector of Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, Father Carl Turner, at

Saint Thomas Church and Choir School are committed to the safety and well-being of all children and young adults in our care. Our Safeguarding Policies, which are founded on the Model Policies of General Convention 2018, demonstrate this commitment to creating safe environments.

Moreover, the Choir School is accountable to federal, state, and local regulations, and it is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS). It is, therefore, governed by further policies pertinent to the unique needs of a boarding school, and participates in reaccreditation reporting processes and visits from NYSAIS every five years.

We have a number of protective measures in place to ensure that students are safe and are empowered to know what to do if they ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Some of these measures include:

  • All staff members and volunteers are background checked.

  • All staff who work with students complete a safeguarding training program through the Episcopal Diocese of New York every three years. All relevant staff members review mandated reporter regulations annually.

  • Staff members ensure appropriate oversight and supervision of students at all times while school is in session.

  • NYSAIS, the school’s accrediting body, reviews student safety and well-being, including monitoring the protections the school has in place as a boarding school, every five years as a part of the reaccreditation process.

  • Students participate in health classes each year with the Housemothers, taught at age-appropriate levels. These health classes include giving students age-appropriate language to use if they ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe. They also help students to understand that they are never to blame for coming forward if anything ever makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe and to know who they can talk to about any concerns they may have.

  • The school creates a community where students feel safe and have trusting and appropriate connections with the adults in their lives. Mechanisms are in place through the Head of School, Housemothers, School Counselor, and Academic Advisors to create pathways for students or parents to speak to staff members should any concerns arise for them.